2019年Productronica中国展MicroCare聚焦有效清洗 - SMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】



MicroCare Asia is continuing to drive home its message of the importance to implement an effective cleaning process by highlighting the latest and most advanced cleaning chemistries and tools on the market at Productronica China, Shanghai from 20-22 March 2019, booth E2-2230.5xeSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】

As PCBs become smaller and more complex, finding an effective cleaning method is key to their longevity and reliability. The latest innovations in benchtop and vapor degreaser cleaning are an effective, flexible and cost effective answer to perfectly clean components. 5xeSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】
MicroCare will introduce visitors to their extensive portfolio of products including No-Clean Flux Remover - VeriClean™. Now available in a variety of sizes, from pens to aerosol cans. 5xeSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】

The product is formulated to remove no-clean fluxes and pastes quickly, leaving no residue. It also has the added benefit of cleaning other contaminants like adhesives, oil and grease making it an exceptional degreaser and general-purpose cleaner. Significantly, it is fast drying and low odour  making it an ideal option for use on modern production lines.5xeSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】
Jerald Chan, MicroCare Asia Regional Manager said: “The continued miniaturisation of components is making critical cleaning of PCBs a challenge. At MicroCare we recognise this and have an extensive portfolio of cleaning solutions to meet all needs. We combine efficient cleaning solutions that get the job done right, while protecting people and the environment.”5xeSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】
MicroCare亚洲区经理Jerald Chan表示:“元器件的不断微型化,使PCB上狭窄空间的清洗成为一项挑战。在MicroCare,我们意识到这一点,并拥有广泛的清洗解决方案组合,以满足各类需求。我们结合高效的清洗解决方案,将这一工作做好、做正确,同时保护人和环境。”5xeSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】
“We are looking forward to presenting our advanced cleaning products at Productronica China and helping visitors to understand how through the use of advanced cleaning solutions from MicroCare, cleaning can be completed effectively, safely and at the lowest-cost-per-part cleaned.”5xeSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】
Adding to the offerings of exceptional flux removers is General Purpose Flux Remover. This is a versatile fast-drying and nonflammable cleaner which is suitable for all types of electronics. Whether it is removing flux from through-hole PCBs and SMT boards, or hybrids, cables and connectors, it is highly effective on no-clean and rosin fluxes. 5xeSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】
To help in the removal of heavy, aged fluxes and pastes found in today’s PCBs, high-performance Polar Flux Remover will be presented during the exhibition. As a highly effective cleaner, it answers the difficult cleaning issues facing production engineers today. This fluid is also compliant with all current environmental, health and safety regulations, making it a popular choice. 5xeSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】
Working in combination with all MicroCare aerosol flux removers is the TriggerGrip™ Dispensing Tool. Using the Trigger Grip™ saves money by reducing solvent usage by 66% and ensuring the can empties completely. It also enhances worker safety by limiting exposure to the cleaning fluid fumes.5xeSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】
将MicroCare所有气溶胶助焊剂清洗剂进行组合,即可得到TriggerGrip™点涂工具。使用Trigger Grip™可以通过减少66%的溶剂使用来节省资金,且能够确保溶剂罐可以完全清空。它还通过限制工人暴露在清洗液体烟雾中来提高工作安全。5xeSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】
In addition to the benchtop cleaning fluids, a working vapor degreasing system will be on-hand for demonstrations to enable visitors to understand how this innovative cleaning method can replace aqueous cleaning methods. Vapor degreasing allows consistent and efficient batch-cleaning of PCBs, especially those with densely-packed and tightly-spaced components.5xeSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】

To find out about the latest advancements in benchtop and vapor degreaser cleaning, visit the MicroCare team at Productronica China, Shanghai from 20-22 March 2019, booth  E2-2230.5xeSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】
想要了解台式和蒸汽去油污清洗方面的最新进展,请于2019年3月20-22日Productronica 中国展(上海)期间来MicroCare团队的展位E2-2230进行参观。5xeSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】


Editor’s notes:5xeSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】
Fast-growing MicroCare Corporation is a global company based in New Britain, CT. Since 1983 it has been the leading manufacturer of environmentally-progressive fluids and tools used for critical cleaning. These products are supplied to industries as diverse as electronics, metal finishing, transportation, photonics, medical devices and aerospace with a goal of helping those companies improve the products they make. MicroCare also features a team of chemists and technical engineers to help companies use these fluids properly, safely and more economically. 5xeSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】
MicroCare Corporation是一家总部位于美国康涅狄格州新不列颠的全球性公司,一直以来迅速发展。自1983年起,MicroCare一直是领先的制造商,生产环境友好、应用于清洗领域的液体和工具。MicroCare向包括电子、金属表面处理、运输、光电子、医疗器械和航空航天等各个行业提供种类齐全的清洗产品,目标是帮助这些公司改进他们生产的产品。MicroCare还拥有一支由化学家和技术工程师组成的团队,帮助企业正确、安全和更经济地使用这些清洗剂。5xeSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】
MicroCare Corporation has an ISO 9001-2015 registered quality system and is continually improving and expanding its range of products with a full R&D lab located in New Britain, CT. MicroCare has two manufacturing facilities in New Britain, CT and a global logistics center in Rocky Hill, CT in addition to facilities in the UK, Belgium and Singapore. MicroCare products include the MicroCare™ fluids, Sticklers™ fiber optic cleaners and MicroCare Medical™ lubricants and coatings among its brands. 5xeSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】
MicroCare公司拥有ISO 9001-2015注册质量体系,并在不断改进和扩大其产品范围,在康涅狄格州新不列颠设有完整的研发实验室。MicroCare在康涅狄格州新不列颠还有两家制造设施,在Rocky Hill有一家全球物流中心,另外在英国、比利时和新加坡均设有办事处。MicroCare的产品包括MicroCare™液体清洗剂、Sticklers™光纤清洗剂和MicroCare Medical™润滑剂和涂料等。5xeSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】

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