Nordson ELECTRONICS SOLUTIONS 将在 2023 年电子生产设备展(Productronica)展示电子制造新产品 - SMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】

Nordson ELECTRONICS SOLUTIONS 将在 2023 年电子生产设备展(Productronica)展示电子制造新产品

美国加利福尼亚州卡尔斯巴德–2023年10月24日–电子生产技术全球领军企业Nordson ELECTRONICS SOLUTIONS 将于2023年11月14-17日,在举办于德国慕尼黑的、世界领先的电子产品开发和制造展会电子生产设备展(Productronica)展示用于三防漆、精密流体点胶和选择性焊接的新产品。
展会中,Nordson ELECTRONICS SOLUTIONS 将在五个展位上与长期合作的分销伙伴一道展示最新的工具。技术专家也随时就位以研讨客户需求。设备将在展位A2.532(Amtest Group)和 A2.540(smartTec Gmbh)展出,包括以下内容:
全新的 ASYMTEK Select Coat® SL-1040三防漆系统 我们最新发布的、最为先进的三防漆系统。The Select Coat SL-1040将新式过程控制和预防性维护功能与SC-450 PreciseCoat® Jet 相结合,为大规模生产提供先进的三防漆解决方案。
划时代的 SELECT Synchro™ 5 选择性焊接系统:通过使用开创性的同步运动技术(专利申请中),传送时间大大缩短,在大多数应用场景下吞吐量提高了 20-40%。屡获殊荣的 SELECT Synchro 5 系统能在短时间内连续处理多达七块印刷电路板,可以使用不同的合金(有铅和无铅)和多种喷嘴,也可以为所有产品使用统一的固定喷嘴。连续选择性焊接能够交付出色的结果。
强大的 ASYMTEK Forte® 系列自动点胶系统:Forte 系列结合了下一代和经过时间验证的能力,在分配底填料、封装剂、密封剂和精确涂层时,生产力提高了多达 50%。该系统是处理大批量 PCB、EMA、柔性电路和 MEMs 应用的理想选择,若配备 ASYMTEK IntelliJet® 喷射系统则更是如虎添翼。
Nordson ELECTRONICS SOLUTIONS 在2023年电子生产设备展(Productronica)的合作伙伴有:
Amtest Group,位于展位 A2.532
smartTec Gmbh,位于展位 A2.540
IEMME SpA,位于展位 A3.302
Scanditron Sverige AB,位于展位 A3.118
SMT Europe,位于展位 A2.502。
联系您的当地代表安排预约,或联系 Nordson Electronics Solutions 找到离您最近的代表。可访问网站了解更多信息
Nordson ELECTRONICS SOLUTIONS 在2023年Productronica展会上展示了令人兴奋的新技术,包括三防漆、精密流体点胶和选择性焊接。



关于 Nordson Electronics Solutions
Nordson Electronics Solutions 将打造可靠电子产品变为现实。通过我们的 ASYMTEK、MARCH 和 SELECT 品牌产品,我们可为希望保护敏感电子元件的全球半导体、印刷电路板和精密组装制造商提供其所需的创新型液体点胶和表面处理解决方案。日复一日,年复一年,我们在这 35 载中为全球客户提供尖端的工程设计和应用方案,为其取得成功加油助力。
关于Nordson 公司
Nordson Corporation (NASDAQ: NDSN) 是一家创新型精密技术公司,致力于利用可扩展的增长框架,以领先的利润率和回报实现顶级增长。 公司依托直接销售模式和应用专业知识,通过各种关键应用为全球客户提供服务。 其业务涉足各终端市场,包括非耐用消费品、医疗、电子和工业终端市场。  公司创立于 1954 年,总部位于美国俄亥俄州韦斯特莱克,目前在全球 35个国家设有运营站点和技术支持办公室。  访问 Nordson 官网。



On display are exciting, new technologies for conformal coating, precision fluid dispensing, and selective soldering

A collage of electronic devicesDescription automatically generatedCarlsbad, CA, USA-24 October 2023-Nordson ELECTRONICS SOLUTIONS, a global leader in electronics manufacturing technologies, will showcase exciting, new products for conformal coating, precision fluid dispensing, and selective soldering at Productronica, the world’s leading trade fair for electronics development and production, in Munich, Germany, November 14-17, 2023.7qCSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】

Nordson ELECTRONICS SOLUTIONS joins their longstanding distribution partners in five booths across the trade fair to exhibit the latest tools with technical experts ready to discuss customer needs. Equipment will be on display in stands A2.532, Amtest Group, and A2.540, smartTec Gmbh, and includes the following: 7qCSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】

·        The NEW ASYMTEK Select Coat® SL-1040 Conformal Coating System: Our most advanced conformal coating system, just introduced. The Select Coat SL-1040 pairs new process control and preventive maintenance features with the new SC-450 PreciseCoat® Jet to deliver next-level conformal coating solutions for high-volume production. 7qCSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】

·        The revolutionary SELECT Synchro™ 5 Selective Soldering System: Using ground-breaking synchronous motion technology (patent pending), the conveyance time is dramatically reduced and throughput is boosted by 20-40% for most applications. The award-winning SELECT Synchro 5 system processes up to seven printed circuit boards simultaneously using different alloys (leaded and lead-free) and nozzles or one fixed nozzle for all your products. Non-stop selective soldering delivers results.7qCSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】

·        The powerful ASYMTEK Forte® Series Automated Fluid Dispensing System: Next-generation and time-tested capabilities are combined in the Forte Series to increase productivity by up to 50%, when dispensing underfills, encapsulants, sealants, and precise coating. The system is ideal to tackle high-volume PCB, EMA, flexible circuit, and MEMs applications, especially when equipped with the ASYMTEK IntelliJet® jetting system.7qCSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】

All the partners for Nordson ELECTRONICS SOLUTIONS at Productronica 2023 include: 7qCSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】

·        Amtest Group, Stand A2.532 7qCSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】

·        smartTec Gmbh, Stand A2.5407qCSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】

·        IEMME SpA, Stand A3.3027qCSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】

·        Scanditron Sverige AB, Stand A3.1187qCSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】

·        SMT Europe, Stand A2.502.7qCSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】


Contact your local representative to schedule an appointment, or contact Nordson Electronics Solutions to find one near you. Visit the website to learn more:技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】

IMAGE CAPTION:  Nordson ELECTRONICS SOLUTIONS showcases exciting, new technologies for conformal coating, precision fluid dispensing, and selective soldering at Productronica 2023. 7qCSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】

IMAGE ALT TEXT:  Close-up of electronics device on a printed circuit board in the top half. In bottom half, three industrial systems on a stylized blue background. 7qCSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】

About Nordson ELECTRONICS SOLUTIONS7qCSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】

Nordson ELECTRONICS SOLUTIONS makes reliable electronics an everyday reality. Through our ASYMTEK, MARCH, and SELECT brands, we supply the world's semiconductor, printed circuit board, and precision assembly manufacturers with the innovative fluid dispensing and surface treatment solutions they need to protect sensitive electronics. Day after day, year after year, across the globe, for over 35 years, we've delivered cutting-edge engineering and applications excellence to help our customers succeed.7qCSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】


About Nordson Corporation 7qCSMT技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】


Nordson Corporation (NASDAQ: NDSN) is an innovative precision technology company that leverages a scalable growth framework to deliver top tier growth with leading margins and returns. The Company’s direct sales model and applications expertise serves global customers through a wide variety of critical applications. Its diverse end market exposure includes consumer non-durable, medical, electronics and industrial end markets.  Founded in 1954 and headquartered in Westlake, Ohio, the Company has operations and support offices in over 35 countries.  Visit Nordson on the web at技术网-China表面贴装技术-SMT表面贴装-SMT技术网【官网】

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